
About The Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center

The Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center (CHSC), located in Cleveland, Ohio, is a renowned non-profit organization providing comprehensive hearing, speech-language, and deaf services. Founded in 1921, it is dedicated to empowering individuals with communication challenges through various programs, including audiology, speech-language pathology, and community outreach initiatives. CHSC is committed to improving quality of life and fostering inclusivity through expert care, education, and advocacy.


The Challenge

There was very little awareness and very few bookings for the CHSC’s American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter offering. This was a new revenue generating service, the profits of which are reinvested to help fund the CHSC’s other non-profit programs.

The Solution

To raise awareness and increase visibility for CHSC's ASL Interpreter service, we utilized Google Ad Grants, a program offering free advertising on Google Search for eligible nonprofits. We conducted keyword research to identify essential ASL Interpreter service terms to rank for in order to drive relevant traffic to the CHSC's website. The keyword targets for organic search were determined using the following data:

  • Approximate searches per month
  • Competitive webpages for each term
  • Keyword Difficulty Score
  • Cost-per-click estimate

Lastly, we added a dedicated ASL Interpreter service landing page, specifically tailored to all aspects related to hiring interpreters for hearing-impaired individuals. This page featured an embedded form, enabling site visitors to book an interpreter directly from the website—a time intensive process that was handled manually by the CHSC admin team up until this point.


The Results

Our digital marketing efforts resulted in:

  • 16 ASL interpreter keyword terms inside the top 3
  • 26 ASL interpreter keyword terms inside the top 10
  • An average of 247 page views to the ASL Book an Interpreter page/month
  • An average of 100 ASL interpreter bookings/month
  • A 23.2% conversion rate from paid search ads


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